yOU Starter Kit

Step 2: The “You” Starter Kit
Let’s say someone wants to be YOU. (I mean, who wouldn’t?) What do they need for that? Do they need to dress a certain way, watch certain movies, listen (or obsess) over certain music? Make a list in your sketchbook of the top 10 things that represent YOU. 

Step 3: On the cover of your sketchbook or inside you will draw a “You” starter kit. You can draw objects, logos, & words that illustrate all of your interests and parts of your personality. You can overlap drawings in a doodle format, you can shade your objects in to add form, or you could draw them “organized neatly.” How you choose to place the objects in your drawing may tell us something else about you!

Step 4: We will work on the brainstorming and Sketching for 2 days. Then we will spend 3 days coloring and finishing them. They will be done with a pencil first, and then you may go over them with any mark-making tool after if you would like. At the end of the project you will get to show your starter kit to the class so that we can get to know each other better!

Step 1: Watch through this presentation:


Googly Eye