Abstract Watercolor Scripture Painting

The presentation can also be found here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vRpr-AAqzDznTrmcH8d29ORNgdddbzxBB17PpKdriiu1JPHo11QOU9j1mEsISl-43O6z2g_2-_M3q7p/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000

Create a work of art exploring the world of watercolor, scripture, and type.

  • The first step is to practice at least three abstract watercolor works. Give yourself some creative restraints to help you have an interesting final product. Consider a collage element.

  • Choose the best abstract watercolor work that you will add your scripture verse too.

  • Type out the verse in a google doc.

  • Find a font that you really enjoy.

  • Transfer the drawing to your painting.

  • Pen out the text and finish your artwork.

To submit this work turn an image into your Art Teacher! Thanks


Continuous Line Drawing


Cardboard Printmaking