Abstract Watercolor Scripture Painting
The presentation can also be found here: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vRpr-AAqzDznTrmcH8d29ORNgdddbzxBB17PpKdriiu1JPHo11QOU9j1mEsISl-43O6z2g_2-_M3q7p/pub?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000
Create a work of art exploring the world of watercolor, scripture, and type.
The first step is to practice at least three abstract watercolor works. Give yourself some creative restraints to help you have an interesting final product. Consider a collage element.
Choose the best abstract watercolor work that you will add your scripture verse too.
Type out the verse in a google doc.
Find a font that you really enjoy.
Transfer the drawing to your painting.
Pen out the text and finish your artwork.
To submit this work turn an image into your Art Teacher! Thanks