Character Design


For this project, you will be using your sketchbook to explore and then Procreate to create a unique character design. This should be done on multiple steps and needs to be done on paper first and then brought digital. You then can really explore the different colors and brushes.

The presentation can also be found here:


Step 1 - Explore the world of Character Design by watching some videos and playing around with sketches.

Step 2 - Do the Group Character Design game.

Step 3 - Come up with a plan and explore sketching 3 different characters that you might want to make.

Step 4 - Choose your best idea for a character and sketch it out in detail. As you do this consider a backstory to your character.

Step 5 - Take a picture of your image and bring it to ProCreate to make digitally and either colored or shaded.

Step 6 - Turn it in.


Hybrid Animals


Childrens Book