mRS. lORI eHLKE - Art Instructor



  • 2 pieces of paper

  • Pencil

  • Sharpie

  • Colored markers

  • Scissors


  • Take a piece of paper and fold it in half, holding it in landscape mode

  • Neatly draw the desired name in pencil using cursive, keeping the spacing large

  • Use a sharpie to trace over the name

  • Then, after tracing over the name, fold the paper back over the name so that there is an additional blank half of paper covering the traced name.

  • Once the paper is covering the name, trace over the name again on the blank side, using a sharpie.

  • Open up the paper once again and trace the second name again, this time on the backside so that the original name is mirroring itself.

  • Turn the paper in various ways to decide on which way is more desirable for the alien look.

  • Begin to color in the name and space inside of letters to give it the appearance of an alien.

  • Then once the alien is finalized, carefully cut it out and open it up.

  • Finally, glue the alien onto the second piece of construction paper.


Colored Pencil Name Art


Bubble Letters Name Design