Black Out Poetry
Step 1: Watch through this presentation:
For this project, you will be looking at getting better at creative exploration.
A blackout poem is when a poet takes a marker (usually black marker) to already established text–like in a newspaper–and starts redacting words until a poem is formed. The key thing with a blackout poem is that the text AND redacted text form a sort of visual poem.
Please Follow These Steps to Create Your Own Blackout Poetry Art:
Step 1: Find a piece of paper that could work for a blackout poem. Underline and create poem.
Step 2: Underline Poem in Pen. Do this only when you are sure of what it will be.
Step 3: Sketch Out Creative Image to go next to or work with the Poem.
Step 4: Put Box Around Poem. Finish Sketch in Pencil
Step 5: Turn Sketch into Pen and Black Out Text More.
Step 6: Final Image - Please submit a photo of your final image through our online assignment process.